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Managing Corona Virus Anxiety

It’s hard to go about your day without mention of the novel corona virus. If you occasionally get a knot in your stomach, it’s important to remember that this is a normal, healthy reaction. While you shouldn’t be concerned about such mild anxiety during this time, if it interrupts your ability to function, you may want to speak with a professional. Here are a few ways to calm your nerves while staying adequately informed.

Acknowledge Your Anxiety & Don’t Try to Deflect It. It’s an age-old reality, but the more you think about not doing something, the more likely you are to actually do it. Trying to deny anxious feelings isn’t going to help you manage it. The paradox is that the more we are unwilling to accept anxiety, the more our anxiety increases, so practice allowing anxiety to be present and remind yourself it is okay to feel anxious.

Consider All Information, Not Just Statistics. Anxiety might push you to dwell on worst case scenarios & underestimate your ability to cope. It might be hard to do at first but try to focus on the resources in place to help people recover & that the current recovery rate for COVID-19 dramatically outweighs its mortality rate.

Try to Unplug When You Can. There’s a difference between informing yourself and obsessing over news. It’s not about sticking your head in the sand. It’s about choosing once or twice a day to update yourself on the latest recommendations from the CDC and occasionally weaving in reliable sources of well-trusted news.

Stay Active. Assuming a holistic approach to the management of stress and anxiety is an excellent way to go. Focus on things that are within your control – things for your body, mind, and spirit. Exercise can reduce some of the physiological symptoms of anxiety. Simply getting up to walk around your home frequently could help.

Keep Your Expectations Realistic. Many families’ routines have unraveled in the last few weeks, and some parents may now be full-time caregivers while also working from home. Some parents feel pressured to constantly engage their kids with extracurricular activities, but this is not a realistic expectation. Think about what’s most important for you and your child, and try to prioritize a few activities and goals, and let go of the rest. It’s also okay to take a break from children when you need it. If another caregiver is unavailable, let the kids watch TV or play on the tablet while you take time for yourself.

Keep in Touch with Family & Friends. There’s a good chance you are under stay-at-home orders. But that doesn’t mean you should completely isolate yourself. You may not be physically present with them, but talking with your loved ones, friends, and even colleagues or acquaintances can help minimize the isolating effect that social distancing may have on you.

While no one can foresee the continued impact of the corona virus on the real estate market, you don’t have to feel entirely in the dark. As your local real estate professional, I am committed to the health and safety of your community and pleased to keep you abreast of the changing situation and help you navigate the challenges. If you’re thinking of buying or selling during this turbulent period, or if I can provide any type of information or assistance, don’t hesitate to give me a call. Stay healthy.

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